Sweetie's By & By
The Titantic
The Titantic

Friday, March 15, 2024
August 2012
MARCH 15, 2024
It's been a long time since I've added to my blog---a lot has happened in the interim. Today I am in Scottsdale, Arizona as a guest of Seth, my oldest son, at his comfortable condo. I'm taking a break after my husband Dan fell January 3, injured his knee (had surgery on 1/4/2024 --patellar tibial plateau fracture) and shoulder fracture (had a reverse shoulder replacement 1/9/2024). Dan spent time at Lutheran Medical Center, Wheatridge, CO after being transferred from Platte Valley Medical Center Emergency Room. He was then transferred to Center at Northridge Rehab for several weeks while he was under a 10-week weight-bearing restriction so his knee would heal. From there he was transferred to Sunrise Senior Living/Assisted Living where he is currently. It was a long 10 weeks not knowing what the future would hold.
My children and their spouses, Seth, Melissa and Dave, Devin and Belle, and Derek and Jenn have been such devoted, caring, loving help during this time. They have allowed me this time away and are caring for Dan while I have some time to regenerate and restore my energy.
In the meantime Dan has continued to heal and improve to the point where he is no longer bedridden, out of the wheelchair, and now using a walker, and often times walking unassisted.
I'm feeling hopeful and optimistic that he will come home the first part of April and we can resume some kind of normal.