Seth started our Christmas early presenting us with a Charlie Brown Christmas Tree.
I Love It!
The December 2010 Lunar Eclipse occurred on December 21, coinciding with the date of the December solstice. Dan and I caught it just at the end around was pretty amazing.
Our street looked like Christmas Tree Lane this year as many of our neighbors decorated their homes with beautiful lights.
Christmas Morning, 2010 As I was out early in search of Cranberry Sauce for our Christmas Dinner, I came across the Platte River steaming in the 27 degree temperature.
Dan & I opened our presents in the morning before we started preparing Christmas Dinner.
We had a lovely Christmas Day with Devin, Belle, Megan, Derek, Jenn, Tony, Trinity, Aubrey, Jim, Brenda and Carrie.
Aubrey /showing Belle her ZhuZhu Pet
Diane & Dan
Aubrey shows Belle & Devin her Rex from Toy Story.
Jenn & Derek
Jenn, Derek & their family gave me the Charlie Brown Nativity Scene. I Love It!
Diane & Dan
Aubrey shows Belle & Devin her Rex from Toy Story.
Jenn & Derek
Jenn, Derek & their family gave me the Charlie Brown Nativity Scene. I Love It!
Our Traditional Christmas Presents for the Grandkids