Campsite at South Beach/Stout, CO, Horsetooth Reservoir, Fort Collins, CO
Seth and Brynn's Hobbi Trailer and new Ford Pick-up
Devin and Belle's New Trailer at the campsite-Devin did a Fantastic Job on their trailer
Brynn, Belle, Devin, and Buckley
It was quite chilly and windy the first 2 days as our parka-clad men will testify.
Euchre was the game of choice....
The next day was a little warmer ..
Seth enjoyed the sun...
We were able to get out on the water and try out the paddle boards and kayaks and Brynn looked like a one took any spills into the water.
Seth showed remarkable balance on his paddle board--even balancing a watermelon on the front and delivering it to the shore.
Diane in the "Titantic"
Brynn, Devin, and Seth
Belle leaving a wake with the kayak
Dan enjoying some warmer weather
Belle and Devin
Seth, Brynn, and Belle