The Titantic

The Titantic

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Gallivanting Tuesday, 01/04/2011

Tuesday is my day to gallivant---shopping and buying whatever frivilous doodad I might find--filling up our home with treasures, alternately frustrating Dan as he encourages me to "downsize". Gotta love the man for his patience and tolerance:)

Anyhow I had a special treat yesterday when I ventured out around 9 a.m. and discovered the North Platte Valley to be sprinkled with icy sparks....sun glistening...river steaming.
Mother Nature's Glory......the pictures don't do it justice, but thought I would share them with you anyhow. Wishing you all a Joyous and Very Happy 2011.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beautiful and brrrrr!!!! ;)